Toronto: Back to the big city

Sarah has visited Canada a few times but had never been to Toronto before.  People advised her that it was just another big city like Sydney.  It’s not really like Sydney, but I can see their point.  There is nothing that really grabs you about Toronto.  It seems like a decent place to live, there are lots of good looking places to eat, a huge chinatown and a very ethnically diverse community, but as a tourist there’s not a lot to sink your teeth into.

Maybe we had just lost our sightseeing mojo.  There are only so many days you can spend looking at new cities before you need a break and I think Toronto caught us at that point.  We had a nice private room in a hostel, a million times better than being in a dorm, and had a couple of nice dinners with friends, but the city didn’t knock our socks off like a New York or Chicago might have.

We are going back to Toronto for a couple of nights after we do our driving tour of Montral, Quebec City and Ottowa, so I’ll reserve judgement for now.

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