Reykjavik – Return of the hotdog

All through our guide book we came across references to the mighty Icelandic hotdog which you can’t avoid when driving around the country. Somehow on our second last day we discovered that we had not sampled this much hyped delicacy so we made a point to go to the most famous hotdog stand in […]

Vik – Black sand beach

View all the Vik photos here

Vik is famous for its coastline, not because it’s a great place to lounge around and sunbake, and probably not for the surfing, although for all I know it’s possible to pull on a dry suit and surf until you get frostbite on your nose. The stunning aspect of […]

Höfn – The port

View all the photos from Hofn here

The drive from Lake Myvatn to Höfn was almost stereotypically atmospheric. We started in the darkness of 8am and drove through the volcanic mountains as dawn leaked across the sky. Snow streaked the black ground. As the sun came up we climbed into more misty mountains. The main […]

Lake Myvatn – Two mountains in one day

Full set of Lake Myvatn photos are here

The drive to Lake Myvatn exceeded our expectations. We set off before dawn, which is easier to do when the sun rises at 9:30. After about an hour of driving we saw a magnificent dawn rise over the mountains and the scenery did not let us down […]

Reykjavik – Land of a thousand hot tubs

View all the photos from Reykjavik

We caught the red-eye from JFK to Reykjavik, Iceland. It’s around a five and a half hour flight that leaves at 8pm local time. You do the math. We arrived at 6am local time to a rough landing in driving wind and rain, a filthy dog of a day. […]