
My travels now being at a temporary end my travel emails will cease as well. I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I would like to make some brief thank you’s.

Thank you to my shoes. They were the only pair I had which became evident by […]

Yaya LA

My impressions of LA are slightly skewed by the fact that I was staying in a really nice private room and getting a guided tour through oriental cuisine. I had a pretty good time in LA but you could have about 20 different types of experience ranging from fun to dead. It is a really […]

It’s Not Grand, It’s Fucking Massive

The train journey from New Orleans to Flagstaff, Arizona, proved to be one of the most interesting times of my US trip. The journey took three days via LA and was mainly interesting because my normally lacklustre love life came back from the dead in the form of a Taiwanese lady called Ya-Hui. It all […]

With Sweat Rolling Down My Back

I greet you from my near penultimate email with the happy news that I have found an American city that I really enjoy. Perhaps this is because it prides itself on it’s former independence from the union and has a distinctly out of the way feel about it, though I think it has more to […]

Are you on Crack?

By this stage in my trip I had come to the conclusion that most US cities are crap. Their various problems usually outweigh the positive points. You would think that with my newfound knowledge I would start avoiding cities but I’m not a common sense kind of guy. I had always wanted to go to […]

The Bay of Pigs

I wanted to leave a small interval between my experience of San Francisco and my telling of it. I’m not at my best when I’m pissed off and an email written soon after leaving there would have been a long, incoherent rant of rage. It probably still will be but at least now that I […]

It’s, like, the West Coast, Dude!

Quick note: I should have mentioned in the last email that after Chicago Tim went east and I went west. It was just a matter of personal preference and neither of us are fans of compromise, which in this case would have just seen us hanging around the middle of the country.

I stayed at […]

The Rockies Are Where Real Men Rough It

Quick note: My hands are very sore and not used to typing anymore. This is a very long email so I hope you appreciate my suffering to bring it to you. I suggest that you make yourself a beverage and a small snack before reading it although you should be warned that there is a […]

Funky By Name, Not By Nature

Quick note: this email has been sitting in my pad for over two weeks. For a country that was instrumental in the formation of the internet it hasn’t got very good access to it. I shall type till my hands become crippled with RSI.

The trip was going swimmingly at this point. It was a […]

What On Earth Are You Doing Out Here?

I left you on the rolling plains of middle America, driving quite fast. As the lights dim and the opening credits end you can see the two protagonists in a car listening to conservative idiots on the radio and staring at the straight road ahead, now oblivious to the never-ending fields. I started to feel […]