Border crossings with character

Any land border crossing with armed soldiers is not going to entirely relaxed but our journey from Israel back to Jordan had an extra twist thanks to the slightly crazy Palestinian taxi driver who took us across. The guy is a born actor. He put on a perfect Australian accent for us (no wuckin’ […]

Jerusalem – Holy hell!

See all the amazing sites of Jerusalem in our photoset here

First off, let me get the camel out of the way. We were on top of the Mount of Olives, the scene of Jesus’ ascent to heaven. It was cold up there in the wind but the view over the old city of […]

Bethlehem – Oh Holy Day

Bethlehem photos are here

Although only 40 kilometres away from Jerusalem, Bethlehem is in another world. Behind the Israeli built wall it is in Palestinian Territories. Crossing over it feels like you’re back in Jordan. Rubbish is strewn in empty lots and the difference in wealth between here and Israel is palpable. Israel has […]

Haifa – Home of the Baha’i

Complete set of photos from Haifa, Caesarea and Acre

Our style of travel is to book as we go with maybe just some flights and accommodation in bigger cities booked ahead. This has worked fine but means that you have to devote some energy while travelling to figuring out where to go next and then […]

Tel Aviv – Trendy as

View the full set of Tel Aviv photos here Tel Aviv, at 400,000 people, is surprisingly small for a place that looms so large on the international stage. It feels like a much bigger city than that as well, or maybe it’s just seeing big skyscrapers and a metro system after barely anything over two […]

Eilat – Dip in the Red Sea

View all the Eilat photos here We were only in Eilat for half a day but it warrants a mention for couple of reasons. It’s where we crossed the border into Israel and it has fantastic snorkelling.

Border crossings with Israel are never going to be a totally relaxed affair. On our flight in from […]

Wadi Rum

Full set of photos from Wadi Rum It had been a holiday of tight deadlines and this morning was no exception. We whipped through breakfast and had to drive an hour to get the Wadi Rum visitors centre to meet our guide. It was the worst possible timing for our rental car not to start. […]

Aqaba – Birthday town

Complete set of Aqaba photos Aqaba feels like the Gold Coast of Jordan. There are resorts, malls and humongous luxury housing estates in various stages of completion everywhere. The GFC might have hit some of the financing for these places as they have not been worked on for some time. Aqaba is being groomed to […]

Petra – Fully Siq

Full set of Petra photos The first thing to capture our interest about Petra was not the ruins but our hotel receptionist. Against all odds she was Australian and seemed excited to see some people from her birth country. Originally from regional Victoria she had travelled to Jordan for a holiday and fallen in love […]

Dana Nature Reserve

Full set of photos from Dana and Shobak Castle The view waiting for us to get up in the morning was stupendous. The lodge has rooms with balconies that all face the valley and it’s a hell of a way to wake up in the morning. The goats in the valley are just black specks […]