London – Land of the museum

Full set of London photos are here

London was a stopping off point on the way to Jordan and Israel. London manages to attract Australians to it like a magnet so we had a few people to catch up with who were great hosts: Zoe, Penny and Olga, many thanks for the hospitality. Special mention […]

Sweat-stained boots and cheap whisky

I apologize to those of you who have some interest in my life and are trying to keep track of it. There is yet another twist in the tale, so you will all have to reset your Dave radar once again to show the little green blip in the fair town of Canberra, with any […]

An Anderson Fairytale

The second part of my two-leg short term holiday replacement for Egypt took place in two different countries over six days and despite the sound, it was more rejuvenating than I was expecting. I really hadn’t planned this getaway, more jumped on the tail of someone else’s. My housemate and good friend, Adam, who will […]

Ay Laddie

In my ignorance and world innocence I thought London was a cloudy and wet place, but there is a new leader and champion of places that I have been with miserable weather. It didn’t come as a shock, and it didn’t stop my enjoying Edinburgh, but it’s worth noting if you ever decide to go […]

The Mis-Adventures of Me

It’s funny how life turns out, sometimes. You plan and plan then all of a sudden a twist shakes you off your tracks and you end up somewhere totally unexpected. This is how I feel writing this letter in a hotel room in Edinburgh. I had already mentally composed half a letter from Cairo, but […]

Samurai Dave on the Road

I have finally started my exploration of the European mainland. “Why has it taken so long?” I hear some of you mumble to yourself. “What’s the big hurry?” I retort hotly, before quietly slipping out of quotation marks. I’ve never been a big subscriber to the’live every day as if it were your last school […]

Hello – I’m Still Alive

Hello my very good friends,

It was pointed out to me recently that my entertaining stories of a young Australian living out his dreams in the Motherland had come to a rather abrupt halt. My apologies to all those scarred by the deafening silence from this end. Nothing was further from my mind than insult […]

A Moving Story

As you may have heard on the grapevine, or maybe I told you myself, I recently moved house. It was one of the strangest and most horrendous experiences of my life and left me emotionally shattered.

Let me begin this tale of suffering and woe by describing the character of my friend Adam. He’s the […]

Dave Has a Religious Experience

I thought that my three week silence would have provoked an avalanche of lamentations and pleading for more, but no! Instead you’ve all been as quiet as shy church mice. I guess I just have to come to terms with the fact that you’ve all found your replacement Daves and are getting on with your […]

Tortured Tales of a Correspondant

‘Keeping you bastards entertained isn’t easy’

Now I know how George Negus felt for all those years – constantly striving for an interesting angle and trying to meet the strict deadlines and high expectations of the ABC viewing public. My task is no less demanding in trying to satisfy this media-savvy mob.

Seriously though, I […]