The Dead Sea (strictly speaking it’s a lake)

Complete set of photos from the Dead Sea and Karak Castle

The Dead Sea is 423 metres below sea level and the lowest point on earth that is not covered by water. It has a micro-climate that makes it warmer than the surrounding countryside. While we had been in the mountains of Jordan it […]

Azraq, not Iraq

Complete set of photos from Madaba and the Eastern Desert

After a fitful nights sleep for some with mozzies and the cold and the noisy heater (I managed to sleep ok somehow) we assembled for breakfast of humous and warm pita bread which is standard in this part of the world and delicious. Sarah […]

Umm Qais and the Eastern Desert

Full set of photos from Umm Qais and the Eastern Desert

What seemed on paper like a perfectly reasonable day of travel turned into one of the most incident packed I’ve had. Thinking back it seems hard to believe that this all happened in the one day but such is the nature of travel in […]


Complete set of photos for Jerash and Ajlun

The most well-trodden path from Amman is to go south towards Petra or maybe a day trip to the eastern desert. We decided to go north to Jerash and Umm Qais with their impressive Roman ruins. If the road signs are anything to go by the spelling […]

Amman, Jordan

View all the photos from Amman

It is probably some people’s worst nightmare to travel for three weeks with their (de facto) parents-in-law, especially travelling around in a rental car intensively. I’m lucky that Sarah’s parents are such great travellers and actually made the trip easier than it would have been otherwise. Rick takes after […]