New York – The town so nice they served hot buttered cider

Full set of images from NYC

New York, a sophisticated and interesting city, seemed even more modern and organised after a month in Cuba. No more crumbling buildings and monotonous cuisine in the city where you can get great tasting food almost anywhere, anytime.

That said, our accommodation was way worse in New York. After […]

San Diego – It’s not all Disneyland

View all the San Diego photos here

Sarah and I differ in our views of San Diego. Where Sarah sees gritty street life I see people who would do you over as soon as look at you. Where Sarah sees an admittedly beautiful stretch of cliffs along the coast I see a smoggy sea-scape […]

Death Valley – Now I know what a baking biscuit goes through

Full set of Death Valley photos are here

While the entire Eastern side of the Sierra mountains is dry, nothing quite prepares you for the hellish nature of Death Valley. You enter the valley through a 5000 foot high pass. Getting out of the car here it feels hot but not unbearably so, like a […]

Yosemite – Yogi Bear has a bloody nice house

Too many good photos of Yosemite – view them here

Our gateway to Yosemite was the quaint little town of Mariposa. There are some small towns in the US that just have a good feeling about them. Everyone is friendly and in a good mood, the buildings are old fashioned but not touristy, and […]


View all of our Oakland photos here

We even had a pleasant encounter at the next service station 30 minutes later when I attempted to buy a map of Oakland, the San Francisco map being so discrimatory that it didn’t even include its sibiling across the bay. The guy running the service station was from […]


My travels now being at a temporary end my travel emails will cease as well. I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I would like to make some brief thank you’s.

Thank you to my shoes. They were the only pair I had which became evident by […]

Yaya LA

My impressions of LA are slightly skewed by the fact that I was staying in a really nice private room and getting a guided tour through oriental cuisine. I had a pretty good time in LA but you could have about 20 different types of experience ranging from fun to dead. It is a really […]

It’s Not Grand, It’s Fucking Massive

The train journey from New Orleans to Flagstaff, Arizona, proved to be one of the most interesting times of my US trip. The journey took three days via LA and was mainly interesting because my normally lacklustre love life came back from the dead in the form of a Taiwanese lady called Ya-Hui. It all […]

With Sweat Rolling Down My Back

I greet you from my near penultimate email with the happy news that I have found an American city that I really enjoy. Perhaps this is because it prides itself on it’s former independence from the union and has a distinctly out of the way feel about it, though I think it has more to […]

Are you on Crack?

By this stage in my trip I had come to the conclusion that most US cities are crap. Their various problems usually outweigh the positive points. You would think that with my newfound knowledge I would start avoiding cities but I’m not a common sense kind of guy. I had always wanted to go to […]