Safari and Usambara photos

It’s what you’ve all been waiting for, over 700 photos and video of Tanzania, carefully groomed to weed out the blurred and dull. There are some hidden gems in here but I understand if you don’t have time. Dive in when you have a spare moment.

Arusha, Taragire, Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater safari photos


Longido – Low Kili

View the complete set of Longido photos here

Even in Arusha Mount Kilimanjaro lurks just over the horizon, the highest mountain in Africa lurching from the flat plains that surround it. Its image is emblazoned everywhere, from water bottles to the local beer and shop signs. We were lucky not to be climbing it. If […]

Arusha and the Northern safari circuit – The slap

The full set of safari photos can be found here

We started our animal pageantry in a hotel at Arusha, the town most used as the base for the northern safari circuit in Tanzania. The hotel has a large lush garden populated by a sleepy dog, Skippy, and his unusual companion, a crested crane called […]

Usambara mountains – Mambo fresh

View the full set of Usambara photos here

At the Mafia Island airport we met some fellow Australian travellers from Adelaide, Katie and Ty. Ty has a Sudanese father and Australian mother. Ty and Katie had both been in South Sudan visiting him. We generally avoid Aussie tourists but these guys seemed like good eggs […]

Mafia Island – Doing the snork

Full set of Mafia photos are here

Sarah loves lying on the beach in the sun. This is a sad irony for a redhead whose complexion would be more at home in the Scottish highlands extracting the maximum solar energy from the weak light at the extremities of the globe. The tropics has a different […]