Aqaba – Birthday town

Complete set of Aqaba photos Aqaba feels like the Gold Coast of Jordan. There are resorts, malls and humongous luxury housing estates in various stages of completion everywhere. The GFC might have hit some of the financing for these places as they have not been worked on for some time. Aqaba is being groomed to […]

Petra – Fully Siq

Full set of Petra photos The first thing to capture our interest about Petra was not the ruins but our hotel receptionist. Against all odds she was Australian and seemed excited to see some people from her birth country. Originally from regional Victoria she had travelled to Jordan for a holiday and fallen in love […]

Dana Nature Reserve

Full set of photos from Dana and Shobak Castle The view waiting for us to get up in the morning was stupendous. The lodge has rooms with balconies that all face the valley and it’s a hell of a way to wake up in the morning. The goats in the valley are just black specks […]

The Dead Sea (strictly speaking it’s a lake)

Complete set of photos from the Dead Sea and Karak Castle

The Dead Sea is 423 metres below sea level and the lowest point on earth that is not covered by water. It has a micro-climate that makes it warmer than the surrounding countryside. While we had been in the mountains of Jordan it […]

Azraq, not Iraq

Complete set of photos from Madaba and the Eastern Desert

After a fitful nights sleep for some with mozzies and the cold and the noisy heater (I managed to sleep ok somehow) we assembled for breakfast of humous and warm pita bread which is standard in this part of the world and delicious. Sarah […]

Guest post from Sarah

Hello 2012!

Hi all, Sarah here. As a new year begins, I thought I might ‘guest spot’ on Dave’s blog and share some reflections five months into our year-long world trip. While I’m present in his stories and some photos, I realise my voice has been quiet since we’ve been travelling (and the iPhone […]