Reykjavik – Return of the hotdog

All through our guide book we came across references to the mighty Icelandic hotdog which you can’t avoid when driving around the country.  Somehow on our second last day we discovered that we had not sampled this much hyped delicacy so we made a point to go to the most famous hotdog stand in Iceland called Bæjarins beztu pylsur, conveniently located in the capital city quite close to our hostel.

Bill Clinton ate a hotdog here but did not have the works, only mustard.  This was a huge error.  The works is the entire point.  The hotdog we tried covered all flavour bases.  Crispy fried onion layered the bottom of a warmed roll.  Next the hotdog, rumoured to be made from lamb and beef and cooked in beer.  Then a brown gravy light tangy sauce, then the yellow slightly sour mustard.  We didn’t have time for much else in the city but the hotdog alone was worth the return trip.

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