
My travels now being at a temporary end my travel emails will cease as well. I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. I would like to make some brief thank you’s.

Thank you to my shoes. They were the only pair I had which became evident by the end of the trip when they could stink out a whole train. I would especially like to thank my feet for putting up with near chemical warfare conditions for so long and not complaining on those long walks.

Thank you to the European public transport system, with the exception of Spain, for generously giving me free transport around your cities. It was much appreciated.

Thank you to Tim for being a top travelling companion while it lasted, for doing all the driving (even though I offered to help), and for sorting out the auto drive-away fiasco. A word of warning to anyone who travels with Tim in the future. Whatever you do, do not repeatedly criticise his choice of soft drink. It makes him crazy with rage.

Thank you to Emily for being so nice to me in Barcelona after I was mean to her in London.

Thank you Lee for the book ‘Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee’. A book detailing how the native Americans got fucked up the ass by the government of the day.

Last, but not least, thank you to the voices in my head for keeping me company.

Dave out.

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